Friday, March 6, 2009

LI Sail -- A Digital Magazine about Long Island Sailing -- Good for Long Island Sailing

A Digital Magazine about Long Island Sailing

Hi I'm Randy Burke. Today I'm writing to you about LI Sail, an electronic, flip-book-type magazine on sailing in Long Island waters due to begin publication in early May 2009.

When published, LI Sail will have the flexibility of being read online or downloaded to the reader's computer for later reading. My goal is to fill LI Sail with exciting editorial stories, great images and video of Long Island sailing, by Long Island sailors.

I have all the expertise to put together the pages of the magazine in a compelling manner that creates interest and shows off the events that are covered.

This is a huge undertaking for me and will force me to work on organization, communication and many other skills both personal and business related that have eluded me throughout my life.

I am breaking down my challenge into four areas, acquiring content, acquiring readers, selling advertising and converting the pages for Internet publishing.

Acquiring Content

Content is made up of two parts, editorial and advertising. I will leave the advertising till later, and for now concentrate on the editorial. Editorial breaks down into featured stories, recurring columns, video and miscellaneous. I love to use miscellaneous when I am making lists. It just means anything that doesn't fit into my other categories.

For content, I'm reaching out to others. If you like to sail in or around Long Island waters and have the pictures and stories to prove it, I want to hear from you. Send me the photographs and tales that best capture your dream of Long Island sailing.

Entries will be published at the discretion the editors and staff of LI Sail and appear in the inaugural issue in May 2009.

Some ideas for stories are:

Club tales - What makes your club or organization so special?
How does it serve the community?
Featured Boat - What makes your boat so right for you?
Featured Town - What makes your favorite sailing town unique?
Featured Race Day - Leg by leg commentary on a particular race, with pictures of course.
Cruising - Both local and distance cruising is always great to see and read about.
Travel - Let us hear about a favorite sailing trip abroad.
Video - Like to take video? Let's see it. Yes we can run video in an online magazine.
Tech Tips - Have you got a favorite gizmo you want to write about?
Technique - A chance to share your favorite sailing techniques.
Fix It - Know how to make that engine get us home? Sew a sail?
Scuttlebutt - You heard it first and want to share it with Long Island sailors
Calendar - Upcoming events at your organization or club?
letters to the editor - Just that.
Book Review - Have you read a sailing book that you want to share?
Media watch - Upcoming sailing events on the web or on tv etc.
Dining - On board cooking ...Hmmm... my favorite.

If you have written such a story or have your own idea, we would love to hear it.

While in the start-up period and in today's economy LI Sail will not be able to pay for such stories, but accepted stories will receive one of these fantastic, you saw it here first, complimentary LI Sail hats. These hats will be a status symbol that you can tell your grandchildren about for years to come. Also, it is a lot of fun to get published. Of course writers and photographers will receive full credit for their work. Submissions can be sent to:

In my next post I will discuss my tactics for inspiring others to submit features.